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Badgers: Their Secret World

Duration: 2 x 52'

Play Trailer  Play Screener  Contact Sales  Collection: Animal

In this unique two part special, Steve Backshall reveals the secret lives of one of the most iconic yet elusive species – the badger. The series takes us through the lifecycle of these incredible creatures from mating to unique gestating and unusual habitats.

With cameras rigged both in and outside of badger setts across the country we open up their secret world to see badger behaviour at its wildest - watching their big families, witnessing their big personalities and discovering their big appetites! 

We learn family dynamics from the offset - witnessing one of the only known wild badger births caught on camera, getting to know mum and her babies over the first year of their lives, and meeting a playful clan that has been filmed for over a decade. Steve guides us through the lifecycle of these incredible creatures from mating to unique gestating, olfactory communication, home networks and housekeeping and discovering unusual habits and habitats. 

As well as the wild footage we tackle the persecution badgers face from TB to baiting and meet the rescue centres, experts and enthusiasts who are working tirelessly to protect these wonderful creatures. 

Please contact your Sales Manager to screen.

For Channel 5

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