The Secret Life of Bees
Duration: 2 x 52'
Contact Sales Collection: AnimalThis series with Steve Backshall, is an intimate portrayal of the everyday lives of bees, exploring the different species, showcasing the marvels of their societies, and examining the importance of their existence throughout history.
Delving into the science and cutting edge research being conducted into these fascinating creatures this series showcases one of our most highly-valued insects and how they play such a significant role in the planet’s ecosystem.
Steve Backshall said: “Learning to keep bees might be the most wholesome enterprise I've ever taken on!" as he becomes an apiarist for the first time.
This fascinating series reveals some of the extraordinary secrets of these busy insects as well as raising awareness of their importance to humanity. Without bees and other pollinators our food security would be seriously compromised – they are vital to the well-being of the planet.
For Channel 5
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Format Info
The Secret Life of Bees
This series with Steve Backshall, is an intimate portrayal of the everyday lives of bees, exploring the different species, showcasing the marvels of their societies, and examining the importance of their existence.
Series Duration: 2 x 52'
Resolution: HD
Genres: Nat. History