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Murdered By My Fiancé

Duration: 1 x 52'

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Author Helen Bailey thought she’d found the perfect ending to her own story when she met Ian Stewart. But this was no fairy-tale romance. It was a story that would end in her murder, killed by her fiancé who stood to inherit the £4 million estate.

The couple seemed to have it all… money, success, a beautiful home, a perfect life… but it was a story that would end in murder. Found in a cesspit under her own home – she was killed by her fiancé who stood to inherit a fortune.

They met through a Facebook bereavement group. Ian’s wife had died in 2010, while Helen’s husband of 22 years, John, drowned when they were on holiday in Barbados. Helen had written a blog about her grief, which was turned into a novel. The book was dedicated to ‘my gorgeous grey-haired widower Ian Stewart: BB, I love you, you are my happy ending.’ It’s a true story – that’s stranger than fiction.

For Channel 5

Murdered By My Fiancé
Murdered By My Fiancé
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