Orange Smarty ramps up early sales for How the Rich Live Longer
Orange Smarty who represents the Channel 4 documentary featuring Dr Christian Jessen (Embarrassing Bodies) has already confirmed Broadcaster sales in over 50 territories including deals with TV3 New Zealand, Medialann Belgium, DR Denmark, Ananey Israel, TVB Hong Kong and Discovery Networks Norway. Other territories also sold include Pan Central Eastern Europe, Africa, Middle East, Poland, Australia and the Netherlands.
CEO Young commented that Orange Smarty continues to focus on representing programming that resonates with the International Community – ‘for us it’s not about the amount of hours but the quality of the content, programming that’s noisy, well made, hits a nerve and excites the Broadcasters’
The documentary made by ITN Productions embarks on a journey to explore a health industry that’s dedicated to keeping the wealthy fit and healthy. Available only to the very rich, Dr Jessen casts his expert eye over what is on offer and experiences first-hand, high end detoxes, medical MOTs and new-fangled therapies in a search to help explain“How the Rich Live Longer”.
Ian Russell, Head of International Programming, ITN Productions said: “As populations live longer the market for keeping the richer half in peak condition has exploded. Dr Christian Jessen investigates the weird and wonderful treatments available to those who want to stay young at any cost.”
This is the second title by ITN productions picked up by the distributor following the six part series Stop! Roadworks Ahead made for Channel 5